This course is designed for those who teach, or want to teach, upper-level language courses, but not for students at these levels. The aim is that in each of the areas studied, the professor will be able to find grammatical explanations that, in one way or another, affect the way in which the language is used, and therefore, should be addressed in the classroom.



February 10th, 2025 - March 21st, 2025

Registration date

February 10th, 2025

Course duration:

30 hours
At some point every Spanish teacher, especially those who teach Spanish as a FL, will have to consider what to do with grammar rules: whether you will or will not teach them explicitly, which ones to select for each level, how to present them, which practice exercises to use, etc. Now matter how you choose to go about it, there is an inevitable first step: the teacher must first know the rules themselves. Furthermore, the teachers knowledge of the rules must be deeper than what will be presented in the class.
Only in this way will the teacher be able to resolve any questions that go beyond the grammar content originally selected for the class. This is particularly so in advanced level courses in which students seek to perfect language levels. According to the Common European Framework for Reference of Languages (2001:26), C level students aspire for proficiency in which virtually everything heard and read is understood, and to fluently and spontaneously express themselves with a degree of precision capable of expressing different shades and nuances of meaning, even in highly-complex situations.

This course is based on the Reference Grammar to teach Spanish. The combination of sentences, by Julio Borrego Nieto (director), Lorena Domínguez García, Sheila Lucas Lastra, Alvaro Recio Diego and Carmela Tomé Cornejo, edited by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (
It was prepared by Ms. Carmela Tomé, Mr. Álvaro Recio, Ms. Lorena Dominguez and coordinated by Professor Mr. Alberto Buitrago.

The course is divided into two blocks:
Block I. Grammatical theory:

  • Explanatory videos: each one is associated with a question and designed as a Summary File, in PDF form, with the most relevant content to the respective topic points.

Block II. Self-evaluation: reflection questions about certain areas of the proposed topic points.

Módulo 0: Introducción al curso. Cómo es y qué necesita el alumno de los niveles C.
Módulo 1: Algunas formas de indicativo. Usos especiales.
Módulo 2: Sistemas y usos del subjuntivo.
Módulo 3: La expresión de la causa y la consecuencia. Construcciones causales y consecutivas.
Módulo 4: La expresión de la hipótesis y la condición. Construcciones condicionales.
Módulo 5: La expresión de los obstáculos insuficientes. Construcciones concesivas.
Módulo 6: Evaluación.

In order to obtain a certificate of completion, participants must complete a final questionnaire, apply activities in the classroom, review peer work, and actively participate in forums, as is explained in detail in Module 0.
Technical requirements
It’s recommended to be familiar with managing online applications, for example social networking sites, blogs, Moodle, etc. In order complete the course participants should have:

  • Computer with Internet connection (broad band)
  • Updated Web browser: Google Chrome o Mozilla Firefox
  • Applications: word processor, Adobe Flash Player, PDF reader, etc.
  • Video viewer
  • Valid e-mail address.
  • Graphics card: 8 MB minimum memory
  • Sound card: 16 bits
  • Speakers or headphones: standard