“Salamanca” for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language
Master by the University of Salamanca (Salamanca, España) and James Madison University (Virginia, USA).

The Master “Salamanca” for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language is a Course at the University of Salamanca who comes to meet the demand for training teachers of Spanish who can not meet, for reasons of policy and access requirements (language level , academic calendar, kind of dedication, etc.) the official title of Master of Spanish as a Foreign Language Spanish language Department of this University.

Objectives of the Master:
The main aim of this Course is to provide students with advanced training, a specialized and multidisciplinary, professional performance as a teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language. The second aim is to get to develop independent learning skills that allow you to build the foundations for a permanent update. Among the suitability criteria is vital, therefore, to get to incorporate the teaching methods applied to education in general and language education in particular. 

Graduate profile:

  • Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language
  • Teacher of Modern Languages
  • Researcher on language teaching


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